It was just like any other day. I boarded the metro to go to college. But, alas, soon I realized I had forgotten my earphones at home. I was left with no other choice than to observe the people in the metro. I observed that every other person in the metro was suffering in some way or the other. Most of them were busy sharing their problems with their friends and family. When I tried to listen to some of their problems, I was left with these questions " Were these issues really worth creating a buzz about?" ... "Is anyone really happy?"

It is then, that this thought struck my mind - this is what most of us do - running hard all our lives in the pursuit of happiness while ignoring the little things that make us happy, the little blessings of our life.
Our problems seem like the end of world to us ... While someone's world might be at the verge of ending. We have redefined the meaning of happiness as the possession of more and more materialistic things. But what about the inner peace? Living in a big "house" wouldn't ... But living in a "home" would surely give you immense pleasure and satisfaction.

Each time you face a problem and the world in front of you seems to be hidden in mystical fog, remind yourself that you are lucky enough to have this life - which would soon be filled with light. Some person in some other part of the world might be fighting to save his life.
Each time you have your meal, think about the people who are deprived of it and die due to starvation.
Each time you enter your home, think of the people who don't have a roof over their head.
Each time you wear your shoes and stand upright, think about the people with no legs.
Each time you feel your parents are a burden and always go against your wishes, think about the orphans.
If you ever feel you are short of money, think about the people dressed in rags looking for food and shelter with rat's eyes.

Change your perspective towards life.
"See through the eyes of a blind.
Listen through the ears of a deaf.
Have a heart of a child.
Walk with the legs of an amputee.
Wipe your tears with the hands of an acheirous."
This journey would seem all the more exciting to you.
There is so much around to feel happy about, to smile over, to be proud of. Live in each moment and smile through your worries. It's not the problems but your attitude towards them that matters. Be thankful for this life, for who you are. You are more lucky than millions of other people. Count the blessings showered upon you. Find happiness in the smallest of things. Don't forget that small things are vital. Little things make big things happen. This is probably the only way to successfully complete your pursuit of happiness...!


  1. It needs guts to see dese perspectives of life from different views..
    A wonderful article .. :)

  2. It needs guts to see dese perspectives of life from different views..
    A wonderful article .. :)


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