A salute to those "men" !!

Yes, you read that right. A salute to men and not women. "You are a girl. How can you write like this? Where is women empowerment and equality? Why salute them who already dominate our society?"- might be the questions in many minds, specially women's.
But, I am sure as you reach towards the end of this article, many heads will be nodding in agreement to what I have to say.

That man, frazzled from a long day at work, who boards the metro in a hope that today he won't be asked rudely to vacate his seat by some woman younger than him. But, his hopes get shattered every other day, I wanna salute that man.

The one who worked days and nights, did over hours, spent his Sundays on some stupid project at the cost of his favorite movie just to get promoted. But, a girl made it to the higher post merely by her smile or any other unfair means. Only if he could be "beautiful", but he can only be "handsome".

The one who wanted to be a singer but was forced into joining the army as he is not supposed to indulge himself in activities that are presumably women's cup of tea.

That man whose shoulders are burdened with the weight of luggage but he is still smiling and trying to enjoy as he is "on a vacation". Any luggage has to be handed over to the men, be it a suitcase with wheels or a light bag with just a bottle of water in it.

He, who is shattered inside and has to shut the doors to shed a tear. He, who cannot portray his emotions however hard he may fall. Ends up crying every night but goes out every morning with that "strong" attitude.

A woman betrayed him, he is the sufferer but still the society believes the false stories of the woman. The woman gets the sympathies and the man, cold looks.

He, who was tortured both physically and mentally by his "better half" , but his case never showed up in limelight because apparently, the victim is always a woman.

That man who got swollen knees due to 2 hours of wait in a queue but a lady just came and got her work done in hardly 10 minutes. He just stood there observing and foolishly smiling at the scenario.

That man who is remembered in his family only for financial reasons, who too wishes to speak his heart out like a child but if only someone was ready to listen...!

Those men..
I want to salute them, all of them.
What comes to our mind when we hear the word "stereotypes"? Largely, issues related to women, right? Amazingly, the word "stereotype" has itself been "stereotyped" for women.
But what about the stereotypical image that has been set for men - strong, fierce, dominant, impolite, non emotional, tough and so on.
A man has to mold himself in such image that has been set for him since ages.

Lately, there has been a lot of discussion and fight for equality. But one thing that is common in every discussion, debate or fight, is a whole lot of points talking about women's rights. But what about the rights of men like these, men who are true gentlemen, men who have to suffer just because there has been a Ram Singh or a Kasab.

Not all men are rapists. Not all men are terrorists.

We always try to preserve the minor section of our society, be it animals or human beings. 98.33 women for every 100 men in the entire world and 93.3 women for every 100 men in India - we are fighting for women's rights. Google gives no number for good men, or more aptly I should say beings worthy of being called "men"!! 
Still, I am sure that the number is less, lesser than the no. of women in India or in the entire world. Respect and honour such men because they are gentlemen, true men. Just like any other being that God has ever created, men too need our love, care, support, attention and respect. 
Such men who are struggling daily against,"har aadmi aisa hi hota hai" types of comments - a salute to all those men!!!


  1. Happy to see few of the female still think we are all not the same... Lovely written..

  2. Loved it... Great job and good thinking
    At least koi to jo soch rha h...
    Keep it up Vishakha...
    And Merry Christmas

  3. Nice one:)
    A salute for u vishakha

  4. Very well written, can't compile it in a better way. Keep it up. Wishing best for you.😉

  5. This is beautiful. Sometimes it gets tough being a man and managing the stereotypical expectations and hate that comes so naturally. :)

    Very well written Vishakha! Keep it up!

    - Rajat Dhiman

    1. Absolutely agree with you.
      Thankyou so much Sir 😃😃🤗

  6. Phli bar english me itna lamba blog pada ,,bahut acha lga..


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