I'm not a virgin. Are you?

Raised eyebrows, protruding eyes, firmer grip of your device - some of the anticipated reactions after reading such a title. Virginity, as we know it, is the state of not having indulged in sexual intercourse. But, a deeper approach would relate this term to a woman's purity, her sanctity. Considering the second definition, most of us (girls) lose our virginity at a really tender age. Stunned? Read on. At the age of five, when the shorts that provided me comfort, the small pretty frocks that gave me the look of a fairy, the same dresses offered beautiful,naked legs to "educated adults" for staring. It is then that I felt impure for the first time, the first time I lost my sanctity, my virginity. With age increased the length of the dresses I wore. But, my purity was still adulterated each time I was catcalled. In a bus, a train or even a temple, they took advantage of the crowd to touch my breasts, squeeze my butts. The hormonal changes are supposed to be a natur...